Structure Functions
Aus EEP Handbuch
EEPStructureSetSmoke() | EEPStructureSetSmoke("Lua-Name",true|false) | |
type: | function |
EEPStructureSetSmoke("#1_Lauscha_trainstation", true) |
caller: | script | |
defined in: | EEP | |
parameters: | two | |
returns: | one | |
requires: | EEP 11.1 Plug-in 1 | |
purpose: | Turns the smoke (e.g. chimney smoke) of a structure on or off. | |
notes: |
EEPStructureGetSmoke() | EEPStructureGetSmoke("Lua-Name") | |
type: | function |
Name = "#1_Lauscha_train station" hResult, hData = EEPStructureGetSmoke(Name) |
caller: | script | |
defined in: | EEP | |
parameters: | one | |
returns: | two | |
requires: | EEP 11.1 Plug-in 1 | |
purpose: | Enquires if the smoke (e.g. chimney smoke) of a structure is currently turned on or off. | |
notes: |
EEPStructureSetLight() | EEPStructureSetLight("Lua-Name",true|false) | |
type: | function |
EEPStructureSetLight("#B52_LoveShack", true) |
caller: | script | |
defined in: | EEP | |
parameters: | two | |
returns: | one | |
requires: | EEP 11.1 Plug-in 1 | |
purpose: | Turns the lights of a structure on or off. | |
notes: |
EEPStructureGetLight() | EEPStructureGetLight("Lua-Name") | |
type: | function |
myName = "#B52_LoveShack" hResult, hData = EEPStructureGetLight(myName) |
caller: | script | |
defined in: | EEP | |
parameters: | one | |
returns: | two | |
requires: | EEP 11.1 Plug-in 1 | |
purpose: | Enquires if the lights of a structure are currently turned on or off. | |
notes: |
EEPStructureSetFire() | EEPStructureSetFire("Lua-Name",true|false) | |
type: | function |
EEPStructureSetFire("#1_Brandhaus_01_SB1", true) |
caller: | script | |
defined in: | EEP | |
parameters: | two | |
returns: | one | |
requires: | EEP 11.1 Plug-in 1 | |
purpose: | Turns the fire feature of a structure on or off. | |
notes: |
EEPStructureGetFire() | EEPStructureGetFire("Lua-Name") | |
type: | function |
Name = "#1_Brandhaus_01_SB1" hResult, hData = EEPStructureGetFire(Name) |
caller: | script | |
defined in: | EEP | |
parameters: | one | |
returns: | two | |
requires: | EEP 11.1 Plug-in 1 | |
purpose: | Enquires if the fire feature of a structure is currently turned on or off. | |
notes: |
EEPStructureAnimateAxis() | EEPStructureAnimateAxis("Lua-Name","Axis",Position) | |
type: | function |
EEPStructureAnimateAxis("#1_Windmill","Rotor", 1000) |
caller: | script | |
defined in: | EEP | |
parameters: | three | |
returns: | one | |
requires: | EEP 11.1 Plug-in 1 | |
purpose: | Moves the specified axis of the specified structure or track-side object. | |
notes: |
EEPStructureIsAxisAnimate() | EEPStructureIsAxisAnimate("Lua_Name","Achse") | |
type: | function |
hResult, Status = EEPStructureIsAxisAnimate("#1","Bridge") if Status > 0 then print( "The turntable is moving." ) end |
caller: | script | |
defined in: | EEP | |
parameters: | two | |
returns: | two | |
requires: | EEP 14.2 Plug-In 2 | |
purpose: | ||
notes: |
EEPStructureSetAxis() | EEPStructureSetAxis("Lua-Name","Axis",Position) | |
type: | function |
EEPStructureSetAxis("#1_Turntable", "Bridge", 50) |
caller: | script | |
defined in: | EEP | |
parameters: | three | |
returns: | one | |
requires: | EEP 11.1 Plug-in 1 | |
purpose: | Sets the specified axis of the specified structure or track-side object to a new position. | |
notes: |
EEPStructureGetAxis() | EEPStructureGetAxis("Lua-Name","Axis") | |
type: | function |
hResult, hData = EEPStructureGetAxis("#1_Turntable","Bridge") |
caller: | script | |
defined in: | EEP | |
parameters: | two | |
returns: | two | |
requires: | EEP 11.1 Plug-in 1 | |
purpose: | Enquires the position of the specified axis of the specified structure or track-side object. | |
notes: |
EEPStructureSetPosition() | EEPStructureSetPosition("Lua-Name",PosX,PosY,PosZ) | |
type: | function |
EEPStructureSetPosition("#1_Strawball", 1, 2, 3) |
caller: | script | |
defined in: | EEP | |
parameters: | four | |
returns: | one | |
requires: | EEP 11.1 Plug-in 1 | |
purpose: | Places the specified structure or track-side object at a new position. | |
notes: |
EEPStructureGetPosition() | EEPStructureGetPosition("Lua_Name") | |
type: | function |
hResult, Pos_X, Pos_Y, Pos_Z = EEPStructureGetPosition("#1") |
caller: | script | |
defined in: | EEP | |
parameters: | one | |
returns: | four | |
requires: | EEP 14.2 Plug-In 2 | |
purpose: | Enquires the position of a structure or a landscape element. | |
notes: |
EEPStructureSetRotation() | EEPStructureSetRotation("Lua-Name",RotX,RotY,RotZ) | |
type: | function |
EEPStructureSetRotation("#1_Strawball", 0, 0, 25) |
caller: | script | |
defined in: | EEP | |
parameters: | four | |
returns: | one | |
requires: | EEP 11.1 Plug-in 1 | |
purpose: | Rotates the specified structure or track-side object to a new position. | |
notes: |
EEPStructureGetModelType() | EEPStructureGetModelType("Lua_Name") | |
type: | function |
hResult , Typ = EEPStructureGetModelType( "#1" ) |
caller: | script | |
defined in: | EEP | |
parameters: | one | |
returns: | two | |
requires: | EEP14.2 Plug-In 2 | |
purpose: | Enquires the model type category of the structure. | |
notes: |