Cargo Functions

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EEPGoodsSetPosition() EEPGoodsSetPosition("Lua_Name",Pos_X,Pos_Y,Pos_Z)
type: function
    EEPGoodsSetPosition( "#1", Pos_X, Pos_Y, Pos_Z ) 
caller: script
defined in: EEP
parameters: four
returns: one
requires: EEP 14.2 Plug-In 2
purpose: Changes the position of a cargo model on the layout.
  • First argument is the Lua-name of the cargo. The number with a preceding # is sufficient.
  • Second argument is the new x position of the cargo model.
  • Third argument is the new y position of the cargo model.
  • Fourth argument is the new z position of the cargo model.
  • Return value is true if the method was successfully executed; false otherwise.

EEPGoodsGetPosition() EEPGoodsGetPosition("Lua_Name")
type: function
    hResult, Pos_X, Pos_Y, Pos_Z = EEPGoodsGetPosition( "#1" ) 
caller: script
defined in: EEP
parameters: one
returns: four
requires: EEP 14.2 Plug-In 2
purpose: Enquires the position of a cargo model.
  • Argument is the Lua-name of the cargo. The number with a preceding # is sufficient.
  • First return value is true if the method was successfully executed; false otherwise.
  • Second return value is the x position of the cargo model.
  • Third return value is the y position of the cargo model.
  • Fourth return value is the z position of the cargo model.

EEPGoodsSetRotation() EEPGoodsSetRotation("Lua_Name",Rot_X,Rot_Y,Rot_Z)
type: function
    EEPGoodsSetRotation( "#1", Rot_X, Rot_Y, Rot_Z ) 
caller: script
defined in: EEP
parameters: four
returns: one
requires: EEP 14.2 Plug-In 2
purpose: Changes the orientation of a cargo model.
  • First argument is the Lua-name of the cargo. The number with a preceding # is sufficient.
  • Second argument is the new x orientation of the cargo model.
  • Third argument is the new y orientation of the cargo model.
  • Fourth argument is the new z orientation of the cargo model.
  • Return value is true if the method was successfully executed; false otherwise.

EEPGoodsGetModelType() EEPGoodsGetModelType("Lua_Name")
type: function
    hResult, Typ = EEPGoodsGetModelType( "#1" )
caller: script
defined in: EEP
parameters: one
returns: two
requires: EEP 14.2 Plug-In 2
  • Argument is the Lua-name of the cargo.
  • First return value is true if the method was successfully executed; false otherwise.
  • Second return value is the category the designer of the cargo model assigned to it:
    • 20 = boxes
    • 21 = cylinders