Tag Text Functions

Aus EEP Handbuch
Version vom 10. September 2018, 05:16 Uhr von Marc Horstmann (Diskussion | Beiträge)

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EEPStructureSetTagText() EEPStructureSetTagText("Lua_Name","Text")
type: function
    EEPStructureSetTagText( "#1", "occupied:2,3,5,8" )
caller: script
defined in: EEP
parameters: two
returns: one
requires: EEP 14.2 Plug-In 2
purpose: Changes the tag-text of a static structure. Each structure now can carry an arbitrary string of maximal 1024 characters. These strings are saved and loaded with the layout.
  • The first argument is the Lua-name of the element. The element number with prefix # is sufficient.
  • The second argument is the text.
  • Return value is true if the function was executed successfully, else false.

EEPStructureGetTagText() EEPStructureGetTagText("Name")
type: function
    hResult , Text = EEPStructureGetTagText("#1")
caller: script
defined in: EEP
parameters: one
returns: two
requires: EEP 14.2 Plug-In 2
purpose: Reads the tag-text of a static structure. With these strings structures can serve as permanent storage for important information.
  • The argument is the Lua-name of the element. The element number with prefix # is sufficient.
  • First return value is true if the function was executed successfully, else false.
  • Second return value is the tag-text that was assigned to the static structure.

EEPRollingstockSetTagText() EEPRollingstockSetTagText("Lua_Name","Text")
type: function
    EEPRollingstockSetTagText("DB Zcs-Eva", "Tank car") 
caller: script
defined in: EEP
parameters: two
returns: one
requires: EEP 14.2 Plug-In 2
purpose: Changes the tag-text of a vehicle. Each rolling stock now can carry an arbitrary string of maximal 1024 characters. These strings are saved and loaded with the layout. Since these strings are assigned to an individual rolling stock, they won't get lost on coupling or uncoupling trains.
  • Argument is the name of the rolling stock.
  • The second argument is the text.
  • Return value is true if the function was executed successfully, else false.

EEPRollingstockGetTagText() EEPRollingstockGetTagText("Name")
type: function
    hResult , Text = EEPRollingstockGetTagText("DB Zcs-Eva") 
caller: script
defined in: EEP
parameters: one
returns: two
requires: EEP 14.2 Plug-In 2
purpose: Reads the tag-text of a vehicle. With the tag-text rolling stock now can get categorized, e.g. if waggon types or destinations are to be stored.
  • Argument is the name of the rolling stock.
  • First return value is true if the function was executed successfully, else false.
  • Second return value is the tag-text that was assigned to the vehicle.